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  • Hallo, M., Mora-Luján, S., Tubón, D. (2019, Jun 19-22 ),  Analytical System for Online Scientific Journal Systems Using Linked Data. Paper presented at 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies. Coimbra, Portugal.
  • Ordoñez, J., Hallo, M. (2019, april 24-26). Data Mining Techniques Applied in Tax Administrations: A Literature Review. Paper presented at Sixth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG 2019), Quito, Ecuador.
  • Hallo, M., Lema, B., Brito, D, Carrera, I.,&Pinto,M. (2019, march 17-20). Semiautomatic Extraction of Morphological Characters from a Book about Insect Vectors of Chagas Disease, Paper presented at III IEEE World Engineering Education Conference EDUNINE2019, Lima, Peru.
  • Ortiz, L., Hallo, M. (2019, march 17-20). Analytical Data Mart for the Monitoring of University Accreditation Indicators. Paper presented at III IEEE World Engineering Education Conference EDUNINE2019,  Lima, Peru.


  • Hallo, M. , Luján- Mora S., (2018)»An Architecture to Enhance a Reference Management System with Recommendations from  Open Linked Data». Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer  Supported Education (CSEDU2018),vol1, 489-496, Portugal, SCITEPRESS. ISB:9789897582912, DOI: 10.5220/0006804104890496
  • Hallo, M. , Luján- Mora S.  (2018) «Automatic Extraction and Management of Open Access Bibliographic Information», Proceedings of the  II IEEE World Engineering Education Conference – EDUNINE2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 11-14 March 2018.


  • Hallo, M., Jaramillo, B. , Aguilar, J. Lozada, H., Camargo, E. (2017). «Developing a Amthematical Model of Oil Production in a Well that uses an Electric Submersible Pumping System». Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO2017), Madrid (Spain), 26-28 July 2017. SCITEPRESS.
  • Hallo,  M.,  Luján-Mora,  S.  y  Maté,  A.  (2017). Cuadros de mando para gestionar el uso de bibliotecas digitales sobre datos enlazados. RISTI, vol 22, 57–72. DOI: 10.17013. Available at:
  • Hallo,  M.,  Luján-Mora,  S.  y  Hallo, F (2017). «Problemas de accesibilidad web en revistas científicas de acceso abierto de América Latina». Proceedings of the 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, p. 2432-2437, Lisboa (Portugal), Junio 21-24, 2017.
  • F. Hallo and M. Hallo,(2017) «An approach to Informatics foresight,» 2017 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE), Santos, 19-22 marzo, pp. 95-99. doi: 10.1109/EDUNINE.2017.7918190. URL:
  •  Hallo,F. and Hallo, M. (2017). An Approach to Informatics Foresight, Edunine 2017, BOOK of abstracts -I IEEE Word Engineering Education Conference, ed Claudio du Rocha Brito, Science and Education Research Council. COPEC, Santos, Brazil, ISBN 978-85-65992-66-4.
  • Hallo,  M.,  Luján-Mora,  S.  y  Maté,  A.  (2017).  Evaluating  Open  Access  Journals using  Semantic Web  Technologies  and  Scorecards,  Journal  of  Information  Science, vol 43(1),3-16. DOI: 10.1177/0165551515624353. Available at:


  • Hallo, M., Luján-Mora, S., Hallo F. Comparison of Web Accessibility in Technological Open-Access Journals from Latin America. 6th International Conference The Future of Education (FOE 2016 July 1 2016), Florence (Italy), June 30 – July 1.
  • Hallo, M., Luján-Mora, S. y Maté, A. (2016). Current State of Linked Data in Digital Libraries.  Journal  of  Information  Science,  42(2),  117-127.  DOI: 10.1177/0165551515594729. Available at:,


  • Hallo M. et ál. An Approach to Publish Statistics from Open-Access Journals using Linked Data Technologies, INTED2015 Proceedings, 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, p. 5940-5948, Madrid (Spain), March 2-4 2015. Available at:
  • Hallo M. S. Luján-Mora, A. Mate.  Publishing a Scorecard for Evaluating the Use of Open-Access Journals Using Linked Data Technologies. CITS2015 Proceedings, 2015 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems. Gijón, Spain, 13-17 July, 2015.Available at:,
  • Hallo, M., Luján-Mora, S., Maté, A. y Tubón D. (2015). Evaluación del uso de la Revista Politécnica usando analíticas de Google y tecnologías de Linked Data. Memorias de las VI Jornadas de Ingeniería de Sistemas Informáticos y de Computación (JISIC 2015), Quito, Ecuador, 203-207. ISBN: 978-9978-383-34-6.
  • Hallo, M., Luján Mora, S., & Maté Morga, A. (2015). Data model for storage and retrieval of legislative documents in Digital Libraries using Linked Data. Edulearn15 Proceedings,7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies,p. 2340-1117, Barcelona (Spain), July, 2015. Avalilable at:


  • Hallo, M. , Luján-Mora, Chavez, S. An Approach to publish scientific data of Open-access journals using Linked Data Technologies, EDULEARN2014, Proceedings.  6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, p. 1145-1153, Barcelona (Spain), July 7-9, 2014. Available at:,
  • Hallo M. et ál. Transforming Library Catalogs into Linked Data, ICERI2014 Proceedings. 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, p.1845,1853, Seville November 17-19, 2014. Available at:,
  • Hallo, M., y Luján-Mora, S. (2014). An architecture and process to publish scientific data using Linked Data  technologies.  Web Intelligence Summer  School,  25-29 Agosto 2014, Saint Etienne, Francia.
  • Hallo, M. (2014). Sistemas de Bases de Datos NoSQL. En: Tópicos avanzados de bases de datos. Proyecto Latin. ISBN:987-575-019-0.
  • Hallo, M. y Mosquera L. (2014). Data Mart para el Sistema de Servicios Sociales del Conadis : Consejo Nacional de Discapacidades, Revista Politécnica, 33(2), 1-9.
  • Hallo, M., y Luján-Mora, S. (2014). An architecture and process to publish scientific data using   Linked   Data   technologies.  Web   Intelligence  Summer  School,  25-29  agosto 2014, Saint Etienne, Francia.


  • Hallo Carrasco, M., Martínez-González, M. M., & De La Fuente Redondo, P. (2013). Data models for version management of legislative documents. Journal of Information Science, 39(4), 557-572. Available at:


  • Hallo M. De la Fuente P., Martínez-González M. Las Tecnologías de Linked Data y sus aplicaciones en el gobierno electrónico, SCIRE, España, 2012; 18(1); 4 9-61, Available at:


  • Hallo, M., De la Fuente P. Preservación digital en el contexto de repositorios institucionales universitarios, RUCCI, Cuba, 2010; 4 (3-4); 5-13. Available at: